Monday, March 8, 2010

Out with the old

When we bought our house we didn't pay attention to all of the stuff outside. We just concentrated on what it looked like inside and the outside was just an added bonus. After we moved in we realized that we have a TON of flower beds. We have flower beds that go around the house completely and flower beds that line the back of the privacy fence. It's not easy to weed these flower beds and when they aren't maintained they turn into a HUGE mess!!

Since I'm allergic to grass we decided that I would weed the flower beds and Chris would do all of the mowing and yard work. Well I didn't do a very good job and they ended up looking bad! So this year we decided to hire a landscaping company to weed the front beds, put in new shrubs, and put down weed blocker. Since there are a lot more beds in the backyard they'll have to wait until the summer time to have them done! Hopefully the weed blocker will help cut down on the weeds. I'm excited to see what it all looks like once all of the flowers come up!

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