Front yard
It’s been a few weeks since we have posted anything on here. The last couple of weeks have been very crazy for us. We celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary. We didn’t do a whole lot but we did wander around town and went to dinner at
A few days after our anniversary I got a phone call at work from my mother saying that my father had a heart attack. Thankfully it wasn’t a major heart attack but his heart did stop and he had to have an Angioplasty. He had one blocked artery that they cleared and a partial artery that was blocked that they prescribed four different medicines to clear up. This came as a huge surprise call to us and a big wake up call to me not to take for granted the people that you love and cherish and think that you will have plenty of time to see or talk with them later. Life is short and you should spend time with the people who mean the most to you before you lose them.
I’ll end this on a positive note, this Friday is 4th of July and Chris’s family is coming up to spend some time with us. My family and Chris’s family are going to watch the Naturals play against